Getting Started

Getting Started With Your School Yearbook Project

Setting goals, time-lines and assignments will help keep your school yearbook project organized and on track.


You will learn your yearbook deadlines once you get started. Post them on a calendar for the entire staff to see, and emphasize the importance of staying on task. No one wants the school yearbooks to come late!

Yearbook Time-lines

Create a timeline with milestones for these tasks:

    • Choosing a yearbook theme.
    • Picking a yearbook cover design.
    • Continuing the yearbook sale.
    • Completing the ladder diagram.
    • Assigning pages to individuals.
    • Assigning deadlines for photos to be uploaded for certain events.
    • Submitting yearbook pages.
  • Assign all spreads at the beginning of the year, so people see the individual tasks and plan accordingly.
  • Assign mini-deadlines for each spread, like photos, copy and layout.
  • Pair people into teams so they can help keep each other on track—this will teach delegation and time management.