
We are delighted that you are considering Surabaya Intercultural School for your child. In joining SIS you will become part of a rich community of families from over 25 different nationalities, where every student is important and is encouraged to follow his or her personal pathway to success. SIS recognizes and respects that new students may be unfamiliar with the SIS curriculum and style of teaching, and we aim to make your transition and integration into the community as easy as possible.

Upon acceptance to SIS, students will be asked to undertake a reading assessment and will be tested for their English language proficiency.

These tests help SIS establish your child’s abilities and identify strengths and special needs, which in turn may influence final grade placement and learning assistance programs.

For more detailed information and guidance through the admissions process, please visit the specific following pages:

We look forward to welcoming you to SIS in the near future.

Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the School Office!