Color Guard

During the summer and the fall, the Color Guard is a part of The "Pride of Seward High" BlueJay Marching Band. The Color Guard visually enhances the marching band show and parade music through choreographed routines which include the use of flags, dance, rifles and sabres. Auditions are held in the spring, and students who are accepted into the Color Guard enroll for Marching Band for 1st Semester of the school year. In addition to summer band camps, the Color Guard will have choreography camps during the summer where the routines are taught for the parade music and the fall marching band show.

This page is designed to be a helpful learning tool for Color Guard members, as YouTube videos of the choreography and routines will be posted for the students to view and study as they practice individually or in small groups outside of class time.


2020 Audition Practice Videos

2019 4th of July parade: America, the Beautiful

Against the Light (2019 show 1st piece)

Ascend (2019 show 2nd piece)

Into the Light (2019 show 3rd piece)

Into the Clouds! (2019 show 4th piece)

Dear Old Seward High Choreography Routine