Differentiated Instruction

This page is a growing collection of differentiated instructional resources to help educators at all levels to differentiate their instruction. We know that DI is a key ingredient to student success. While this is not something that happens every lesson, it provides a way to reach all students.

What is Differentiation - An Article from Scholastic. The second part of the article focuses on differentiation in reading.

Differentiation Central - Carol Ann Tomlinson's website at the University of Virginia.

Linkingthe Common Core to differentiation, Tomlinson's says that the two are intertwined if we mean for the CC to work.

Carol Ann Tomlinson's new book The Differentiated Classroom is available at Schalmont. Please contact Linda Fasano.

Formative Assessment - Assessment for learning provides the data that makes differentiation both necessary and possible. Necessary in that it becomes obvious that all students in the class are at the same place in skills and knowledge. Possible because formative assessment provides the data by which we can monitor student progress.

Education Week's Special Report on Formative Assessment.

Classroom Assessment for Student Learning with Stiggins and others is available in the STI Professional Library. Please contact Linda Fasano.