Converting Customary Units

What are Customary Units and how are they used?

When we measure length, weight, and capacity in the United States we label in customary units.

In 1976, the artist Christo built a 24.5 mile long fabric fence in Marin and Sonoma Counties, California. The fence was formed by joining together pieces of fabric, each 63 feet long. How many yards long was each piece?

Practice Problems:

1. You have 10 jugs and 18 bottles of spring water. Each jug contains 1 gallon and each bottle contains 12 fluid ounces of spring water. How many cups of spring water do you have in the jugs? in the bottles? altogether?

2. You decide to take a fishing trip. Fishing regulations state that your total weight of caught fish can not exceed 7.5lbs. If you catch a 4lb 4oz rainbow trout and a 3lb 5oz brookie, can you continue to fish? Explain.