Business Problem 2- Group Work

You should have a BMC/VPC on SAS Lean Launchpad by this class. Today, you should complete a Customer Archetype(s) for Biz 2. Here is a link to help you hone your archetype.

Some ideas to consider:

Who is the most important customer? Parents? Students? Schools? (How will we know? Evidence?)

How do we connect with these customers? (Learn about marketing/advertising. Specific evidence?)

How should Biz 2 plan to monetize? (How do companies grow?)

For next class:

  1. By the end of class April 12th you should have completed your first blog post for this business problem. The blog post should include each of the following:
    • A summary of the research you have done so far on this business problem with references and links to the sources you have found useful.
    • An explanation of an idea or ideas that you are beginning to develop as a solution to this problem. In addition of your explanation this section should:
      • Identify the section of the business model canvas that your idea/solution is related to.
      • Include references and links to the academic materials you used to formulate this idea (i.e., Business Model Generation, Steve Blank - Lean Launch Pad - videos), or other support materials linked on this website.
      • Include references and links to outside sources used to develop your idea and gather evidence.
  2. When you finish the blog post, continue working with your group.