Introduction: Today you will present your business to a small group using the BMC and post-it notes. When finished, please finish the video and reading assignments.

  1. Practice your presentation with your assigned group.
  2. Assignment for next class
    • Create a video of yourself presenting your BMC (3-minute limit). Download this document and use it to create your BMC. This will be a formative grade. Make sure you take the following into consideration: 1. 3-min or less, 2. Feedback from your group, 3. Lessons from class and videos. Post the link to the video on the drop page. Here's the rubric that will be used to assess your final product.
      • Upload to YouTube or Drive and copy the link.
      • Open this page and make a copy of it. You will be linking much of the work that you do this semester on this page. We will call it the "Drop Page."
      • Post the link to your uploaded video in the bin labeled "BMC Video Presentation."
      • Add this drop page document to the drop box so that we can assess your video. DO NOT SHARE THE VIDEO.
      • Example from previous year. Second example.
    • Read: Business Model Generation (Pages 26-29). (homework)