Biz 2 Blog Post #2

  1. By the end of class today you should have completed your second blog post for this business problem. We will use this RUBRIC to assess your blog post. The blog post should include each of the following:
    • A summary of the research you have done so far on this business problem with references and links to the sources you have found useful.
    • An explanation of an idea or ideas that you are beginning to develop as a solution to this problem. In addition of your explanation this section should:
      • Identify the section of the business model canvas that your idea/solution is related to.
      • Include references and links to the academic materials you used to formulate this idea (i.e., Business Model Generation, Steve Blank - Lean Launch Pad - videos), or other support materials linked on this website.
      • Include references and links to outside sources used to develop your idea and gather evidence.
  2. When you finish the blog post, continue working with your group.