Unit 4-Greece and Ancient Hebrews (4 Weeks)

Unit 4- Critical Concepts Covered: Geography, Multiple Perspectives, Causality, Civics, Evaluating Sources, Using Sources


CA Framework Essential Questions:

  • What were the beliefs and religious practices of the ancient Israelites and how did they change and develop over time?

  • How did the environment, the history of the Israelites, and their interactions with other societies shape their religion?

  • How did early Judaism support individuals, rulers, and societies?

  • How did the environment of the Greek peninsula and islands, the Anatolian coast, and the surrounding seas affect the development of Greek societies?

  • What were the differences in point of view and perspective between the Persians and the Greeks, and between Athenians and Spartans?

  • What were the political forms adopted by Greek urban societies?

  • What were the achievements and limitations of Athenian democracy?

  • How did Greek thought support individuals, states, and societies?

  • How did Greek trade, travel, and colonies, followed by the conquests of Alexander the Great and the spread of Hellenistic culture, affect increasing connections among regions in Afroeurasia?


Body of Evidence:

Unit 4 Body of Evidence- The Ancient Hebrews and Greece

(4 Weeks)


  1. Geography- Students do map work learning about the geography of Ancient Israel and Greece.

Assessments: Worksheet assignments

  1. Continuity and Change/Civics/Economics/Causality- Students learn about The ancient Hebrew lineage over time, where they lived over time, and how their government changed over time based on their monotheistic belief in one God.

Assessment: Google Classroom Hebrew Station Interactive Assignment

  1. Civics/Evaluating Sources/Using Sources- Students learn about the 10 Commandments and read various Hebrew laws, making connections to Hammurabi’s Code.

Assessment: Written response on why societies need laws using evidence from assignment to back up their reasoning.

  1. Economics- Students learn the economic system of Greece, what their natural resources were, what they produced with them, who their trading partners were, and what items they received through trade.

Assessment: Google Classroom Assignment

  1. Civics/Causality/Evaluating Sources/Using Sources- Students learn about Sparta and how Spartan boys (and girls) were educated/trained. First students watch a video then they read/analyze documents on the topic from a (DBQ).

Assessments: Close Reading Analysis and Argumentative Essay on the Strengths and Weaknesses of Spartan Education

  1. Final Assessment/Unit Test- Covers geography, causality, continuity and change, civics, economics, as well as other basic knowledge they need to know from the content standards.

Assessment: Unit 4 Exam- Multiple Choice and Short Answer