Veterinary Science

Veterinary Science

Principles of Agriculture, Food & Natural Resource– course designed to enhance understanding of the agriculture industry. Students will develop technical knowledge and skills related to plant and animal systems, food production, mechanical systems, entrepreneurship, leadership, and environmental sciences.

Wildlife, Fisheries and Ecology Management– This course examines the management of game and non-game species, fish, and aqua crops and their ecological needs as related to current agricultural practices.

Food Technology and Safety -This course examines the food technology industry as it relates to food production, handling, and safety.

Equine Science– Explain the historical significance of the horse to society; identify horse breeds; identify basic anatomy and physiological functions;And outline managerial practices relevant to the horse industry.

Livestock Production– To be prepared for careers in the field of animal science, students need to attain academic skills and knowledge, acquire knowledge and skills related to animal systems and the workplace, and develop knowledge and skills regarding career opportunities, entry requirements, and industry expectations.

Agriculture Mechanics and Metal Technology– This course is designed to develop an understanding of agricultural mechanics as it relates to safety and skills in tool operation, electrical wiring, plumbing, carpentry, fencing, concrete, and metal working techniques.

Agriculture Facilities Design and Fabrication – To be prepared for careers in mechanized agriculture and technical systems, students attain knowledge and skills related to agricultural facilities design and fabrication. Students explore career opportunities, entry requirements, and industry expectations. To prepare for success, students reinforce, apply, and transfer their academic knowledge and technical skills in a variety of settings.

Agriculture Power Systems– This course is designed to develop an understanding of power and control systems as related to energy sources, small and large power systems, and agricultural machinery.

Small Animal Management-To be prepared for careers in the field of animal science, students need to enhance academic knowledge and skills, acquire knowledge and skills related to animal systems, and develop knowledge and skills regarding career opportunities, entry requirements, and industry expectations. Suggested small animals which may be included in the course of study include, but are not limited to, small mammals, amphibians, reptiles, avian, dogs, and cats.

Veterinary Medical Applications-To be prepared for careers in the field of animal science, students need to attain academic skills and knowledge, acquire technical knowledge and skills related to animal systems and the workplace, and develop knowledge and skills regarding career opportunities, entry requirements, and industry expectations. Topics covered in this course include, but are not limited to, veterinary practices as they relate to both large and small animal species.

Horticulture Science – Utilize scientific nomenclature used in horticulture; explain the effect of environmental factors on plant growth; identify the various facets of the horticulture industry and career opportunities.