
Cedar Valley Middle School

Band Handbook

2023 - 2024

“Preparing Excellence”


The purpose of the CeVMS Band Handbook is to serve as a guide and a source of information for students and parents in the CeVMS Band program.  Every band students is given a link to this handbook at the beginning of the year and it is essential that students and parents read the handbook thoroughly.  Information, policies, and expectations are addressed in this handbook.  Please take the time to read the following pages.  The overall program will benefit through a greater understanding of our policies and develop better parent, teacher, and student relationships.  However, this handbook cannot possibly cover every detail of the CeVMS Band program.  If you ever have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.



The Round Rock ISD School Board has determined that band is a performing art and that performances are an extension of class time.  Performance is the ultimate goal in band.  It is essential that students participate in all performances.  An unexcused absence from any performance or required rehearsal will severely affect the student’s grade.  The band department follows school policy in determining the status of an absence.  The following policy will be used for performances and scheduled (required) rehearsals.

***If a student must be absent from any required band event, a parent must inform a band director in writing six weeks before the event occurs in order for the absence to be excused. We will also excuse absences for the following reasons without prior notice: sickness, family illness, hospitalization, and death in the family.

1 – Students with an excused absence will be required to complete an “alternative assignment” with a 90 being the highest grade attainable. If the student fails to notify the band directors with at least 6 weeks notice, a 70 will be the highest grade given. 

Non school events are not an excused absence.  Please put all band calendar dates on your personal calendar at home so that potential conflicts can be avoided.  A band calendar has been given to all students.

2 – An unexcused absence from a performance or a required rehearsal will result in the student receiving a grade of zero for the event. A grade of zero for an unexcused absence will remain intact unless the student completes an “alternative assignment” with a 50 being the highest grade attainable.

3 – With continued unexcused absences the student may be removed from the performing organization after review with all parties involved and with approval from the administration.

Required Rehearsals:  Band is a part of the school curriculum and meets daily as a scheduled class.  Beginning Band students will have two required after-school rehearsals to prepare for concerts.  You can find these dates on the Band Calendar.  Students in Honor Band & Symphonic will have regularly scheduled sectionals outside the school day one (1) time per week, either before or after school. There may also be other scheduled rehearsals in preparation for the UIL Concert & Sight-reading Evaluation and any other contests we may enter.  Absences:  An unexcused absence from a rehearsal, sectional, performance, or scheduled event may result in a lower chair placement. If absences persists, we will schedule a conference to explore transfer out of the performing group into a lower group.


Beginning Band: In the sixth grade, the emphasis in band is on learning the fundamentals of music and the basic skills required in order to play an instrument.  Mastery of these fundamental skills leads to further development of higher level skills which will enable students to progress smoothly through the band program.  Seventh and Eighth grade beginners are admitted when class size and scheduling will permit it.

Advanced Bands:  In the seventh and eighth grade, students continue to perfect skills while learning new and more challenging aspects of music and performance.  There is a greater emphasis on competition for individuals as well as groups.  The CeVMS Advanced bands are open to all  students who have participated in Beginning Band through audition.  Placement in a performing band will be determined by the instrumentation needs of the ensemble and the individual student’s attitude, conduct, and playing ability.  


At the end of the current school year, all sixth and seventh grade band students will audition for placement in the Honors, Symphonic, and Concert Bands for the following school year.  Auditions may consist of scales, prepared music, and solo.  

Throughout the year, seventh and eighth grade students may be promoted to a higher band at the discretion of the band directors, if the schedule will allow it.  This action is based on the following criteria:


Beginning Band/Pep Band: Students will have the opportunity to purchase the official Jaguar Band shirt at the beginning of the school year. This shirt will be used as the uniform for beginner concerts and pep band performances. Families who do not wish to purchase the band shirt can simply wear a plain purple shirt matching the color/style of the Jaguar Band shirt. These can be found at Michael's or Hobby Lobby (HERE). 

Advanced Bands:  The Cedar Valley MS Advanced Bands perform in "Concert Black" attire, which consist of: Long Sleeve Black Button Down Shirt, Black Slacks, Black Socks and Black Shoes. If ladies would prefer to wear a Concert Dress, they must purchase the Zelda Style #105 from concertattire.com. Please carefully look at the sizing guidelines to make sure you purchase a dress that fits. Some of you may need an adult size while others still fit into youth sizes. 


All-District and All-Region Band/Orchestra Auditions:  Seventh and eighth grade students may audition for the All-District and All-Region Bands and Orchestras. Students in the Honor Band and Symphonic Band have achieved the level of musical skill necessary to perform this music and are required to participate in the audition process.  Students in the Concert Band are strongly encouraged to participate in the audition process, especially those taking lessons.  Our students compete with students from other schools in our region and are ranked according to their performance at the audition.  The top ranking students at the All-Region try-out will participate in a two-day clinic with a respected guest conductor.  The clinic will culminate in an All-Region Band Concert.

***Entry fees are to be paid by the student. Cost per contest: $10 per audition.

Solo Festival:  All students are required to participate in the Cedar Valley Middle School Solo Festival.  Students will perform a solo (individual) for a judge who will rate the performance on the following scale: I (Superior), II (Excellent), III (Good), and IV (Fair).  Beginners will perform during class with their band director serving as a judge. Live piano players are not required for any solos, however families can chose to hire somebody to play for them at their own expense. 

U.I.L. Concert & Sight-reading Evaluation:  Students in Honors, Symphonic, and Concert Bands participate in the U.I.L. Concert & Sight-reading Evaluation in the Spring.  Each band will perform three prepared pieces for three judges who will rate the overall performance on a scale of one (I) to five (V), with I being Superior.  After the Concert performance, the band will move to another room where they will perform a piece of music they have never seen before.  Another panel of three judges will rate the Sight-reading performance on a scale of one (I) to five (V).

Spring Festival/Trip: Students in Honors, Symphonic, and Concert Bands are encouraged to participate in the performance of the Spring Festival and Trip to San Antonio, TX. All bands will perform three prepared pieces for 3 judges who will rate the overall performance on a scale of (I) to three (III), with I being Superior. After the Concert performances, the bands will travel to Six Flags Fiesta Texas. We ask that if you decide not to sign up for the trip, you still participate in the performance so we can sound our best!

***Festival/Trip fees are to be paid by the student. Cost per student: $140


Although the CeVMS Band program receives funding through the school district and from the RRHS and McNeil HS Band Boosters, these funds must be supplemented to enable our band to function at a continued standard of excellence.  Each year our band students participate in a fundraising activity.  The items to be sold are determined by the band directors.  Profits from the fundraiser go towards travel, music contests, social events, incentives, and awards. 25% of your brochure sales can be used to defray the cost of your trip.  **If you do not wish for your child to participate in a fundraising activity,  donations will also be accepted in lieu of fundraiser participation.  The amount of donation is completely up to you. In the Spring there will be a pledge drive to raise money for facility upgrades. 


Cedar Valley Middle School Band program uses a grading system which evaluates each student’s progress in technical mastery of his/her instrument as well as the student’s progress in social and work skills such as preparation, music theory, responsibility, and self-discipline.  Grades will be taken in each category below and averaged together for the final six weeks grade.  Some test scores may be given added value, and the students will be informed ahead of time when this will occur.


Every student must have his/her name fastened to his/her instrument case.  Percussion students must label all of their equipment with their name, including sticks and mallets.


Every student will have their own assigned locker to store their instrument/supplies during the school day. During the school day the band hall will be monitored by a band director at all times. Students/Families who request the use of a lock will be issued a combination lock through the band program. No locks from home are allowed on the band lockers. Students who misplace or lose this lock will be required to pay a replacement fee of $5.00. Locks should stay locked while not in class. Any student who has a band lock and is found to not be using it will have to turn it in.  Students are expected to keep their instrument in their assigned locker. There will be no sharing of lockers. Overnight storage of personal instruments is not recommended. Lockers are to remain closed and latched at all times.


All band students are required to have a 1.5 inch 3-ring binder, pencil bag, pencil (used for band class only), pocket metronome-tuner, and tuner lead. In addition, students must have all materials related to their instrument. A list of these supplies can be found HERE.  If you have questions about substituting a brand/model on the list, please email pete_alvarado@roundrockisd.org. Band students will also be required to keep all music handouts, music books, and written assignments in their Band Binder at all times.


Practicing is most crucial to a band student’s success.  The amount of practice required will vary from person to person as some need more than others in order to learn assignments and to improve on their instrument.  Quality of practice is more important than quantity; therefore it is important that students practice correctly with a systematic approach to their daily practice.  Select a time of day that will be free from interruptions and try to practice at the same time every day.  Find a quiet place where you will be comfortable and relaxed.  Set a goal for each practice setting and stick to it.  Do not spend valuable time playing through the parts that you have already mastered; instead concentrate on the difficult parts.  Slow, steady practice will pay off much more quickly than trying to play things as fast as possible; this will only result in errors.


Students are responsible for the care and maintenance of the school owned instruments that they are using.  If the instrument is damaged while in possession or responsibility of the student, they must pay the repair cost to put the instrument back into its original condition. RRISD will charge a yearly usage fee of $50 that goes directly to the district.  


Minor behavior violations and disciplinary problems will be handled by the teacher who observes the misbehavior.  The teacher may discuss the misbehavior with the parent, administrator, and/or support personnel.  If the problem persists, a more severe response will be necessary.  The parent will be contacted and a conference will be scheduled.  The Round Rock ISD Discipline Management Plan will be followed in all cases (see Student Handbook).


In Class Expectations