
Student Passwords:

To change student passwords go to and enter your credentials. The next page gives you the option to change your own password at the top or a student password at the bottom. Go to "Change Password For Another . . ." and type in the last 8 digits of the student's ID #. If the student has an ID # that is less than 8 digits, add three zeroes in front of the number.

Teacher Passwords:

Go to and type in your credentials. You will be directed to type in your new password. If you forget your password, see your TLC.

When changing your own password, the requirements are:

a minimum of 8 characters, and the password must contain at least one letter (A-Z upper and/or lower case) and at least one digit (0-9) and at least one special character, such as !, #, or @, for example.

You may not use the same password that you have used in the past, or simply add a number to the end. It's not required that you use both upper and lower case letters, but case does matter. An upper case A is not the same as a lower case a.