
Goals for Technology Use in Richland Two

  1. Improved Student Learning: Through instructional strategies that apply best practices in teaching with technology and a variety of resources which support the curriculum, student learning will improve.
  2. Meaningful Student Engagement: We will offer 1 TWO 1 computing to make school more engaging and relevant for our students and to support meaningful and more challenging work as described in the Richland Two Story.
  3. 21st Century Skills: We will ensure outcomes that students have high level 21st century skills which will prepare them for a successful future.
  4. Project and Problem-based Learning Opportunities: Through personalized, authentic, and collaborative experiences, students will solve problems and demonstrate their learning through project-based activities.
  5. Equity of Access: We will bridge the digital divide by providing all students with access to technology tools and resources for anytime, anywhere learning.

Visit Richland District Two's Technology Essentials for Teachers site for more information at https://sites.google.com/richland2.org/essentials/