
Trouble shooting and FAQs

How do I reset student passwords?

Go to

How do I install software?

To install a program use these instructions.

I can't find my H drive. Or Shared folders!

Give the device a few minutes to load. You should see your name in the upper right hand corner of the screen. If it does not appear try logging in again. Repeat a few times if necessary.

I can't connect to the internet.

If you are on a laptop and see the error message that reads LDAP, plug the laptop into the internet with a wire. Retry your log in. Log out and repeat.

If you are on a desktop, check the wiring. Make sure the switch box is plugged in as well.

More info about which network to join here

I can't connect to a printer

To connect to a network printer, please fill out a work order here. The district technicians no longer support personal printer installations.

How do I install my personal printer or a non-networked printer?

Wireless printers will not work wirelessly on campus. If you would like to install a printer, follow these instructions using the printer's online downloadable driver software

I can't play this DVD on my desktop?

  1. Check the model number of your desktop. If it is a 520 model, try the following download:
  2. Try downloading the VLC video player. The download is available in shared folder under staff> video downloader. The file is also available in Google Docs here

I can't install my printer at home.

(Depending on the printer, the following instructions may not work, but it's worth a try.)

  1. At home, turn on and login on laptop.
  2. Turn on printer.
  3. Click Start> Control Panel..(Change top from Category to Large Icons)> Windows Update...
  4. On Windows Update screen, pick "Check online for updates" at the bottom. This will pull most printers that are attached.
  5. It will run and then show you suggested updates. You have to check the box beside the one that looks like your printer and click install.

Why is it that some things work in Internet Explorer and not in Chrome?

Some applications just do not play nice with certain browsers. VBrick is an example; it works in Internet Explorer, but not in Chrome. You can switch browsers and just open some things in Chrome and some things in Internet Explorer or you can stay in Chrome and use an Internet Explorer tab. See the directions below for this fix--

  1. Go to the Chrome App store (opens in a new tab)
  2. In the search window type "Internet Explorer" and hit enter
  3. Download the IE Tab extension*
  4. from Blackfish Software
  5. This extension will live with your other extensions to the right of the omni box (where you type in web addresses)
  6. When you would like to access a website that does not work in Chrome, just click the icon (looks like a tiny file with an e on it) and a new box opens.
  7. Type the address here.
  8. You may also save the addresses you access most often by clicking the bookmark button (this icon has a little + on it). These bookmarks will remain in the IE Tab folder in your bookmarks bar.
IE bookmarks

*Thanks to Mr. Overcash for this app.

My SmartBoard is really acting weird.

If the response time on your markers is slow, try this:

Pick up the pen and count to five. Just that little wait time will work wonders.


Try updating the firmware by following these directions--

  1. Go to Computer (C:)
  2. Program Files
  3. Smart Technologies
  4. Smart Product Driver
  5. Smart Firmware updater.exe

How do I install Smart Notebook?

Check the application launcher for the intallation. If it is unavailable follow these instructions

My SmartBoard pens are not working correctly

If you are running SmartNotebook 11 then there are some issues.

  1. If you are in Chrome you cannot write on a document.
  2. If you have Flicks and Pans enabled then you run into problems with the pens
  • To turn off Flicks and Pans go to your Windows Start button.
  • Click Control Panel
  • Click Pen and Touch
  • Un-check Flicks and Panning
  • Click Appy

I can't print.

I have been printing with this set-up with no problems up until now.

If the printer is not giving in error messages, there are a few reasons why printing would stop all of a sudden.

  1. Your are logged in under a grace log-in. If you received a message telling you to change your password, you must change your password to be able to print. If you did not see this message, double check by logging off and logging back in.
  2. The printer is not connected to the network. This can happen if the data cable to the printer becomes disconnected or the connected data switch becomes unplugged.
  3. Try powering the printer off and on. Sometimes the most obvious solution is the best.

Blinking Light on my desktop?

If the light on the power switch blinks orange, unplug and wait until the blinking stops, then re-plug.

If the blinking does not stop after a short amount of time, fill out a work order here.

How do I back up my computer?

View directions here

Chromebook problems

Check here

Help! My laptop won't work off campus!

I. Start at School

1. You must log on the first time at school using a cable to connect to the network.

2. The first time will take a few minutes as new settings are applied. Be patient.

3. Shut down and allow the computer to power off before closing the lid or unplugging.

II. Instructions for at Home Use

1. Click on “Computer Only Logon”

2. Type in your username (no .staff or

3. Type in your Novell password.

What about substitute teachers?

In Windows 7 the computer desktop is personal to you. If you download a video or save a document onto the desktop, you are the only one that can see it. The substitute will not be able to access the items you put on your personal desktop. To create a folder that your substitute teacher can access you must place it in the public documents folder. See this video for more instructions.

Substitutes only have rights to access the desktop (that sets up for them that day), access the Internet to show the morning news show, and take attendance. We generate a new passcode for substitutes each day. The next day, new passcodes are generated and the substitutes have a new desktop. The username is rvhsub.

How do I create desktop icon shortcuts?

  1. In either Chrome or Internet Explorer, navigate to the website you would like to save.
  2. Click on the icon in the Omni box.
  3. Drag this icon to lower right hand corner of the screen (where you see the time and date).
  4. This action will expose the desktop. Drop the icon on the desktop and a shortcut will be visible.

How do I access home folders?

See document on how to access home folders in Windows 7 here.


See document on how to access home folders from your home computer here.

Application Launcher error

If you see the following message--"Exception on launch: The system cannot find the file specified. There was an error that occurred during an action for bundle "Web Links." Would you like to automatically verify this bundle and attempt the action again?"--try the following:

For the App Launcher issue, hover over the blue ZENworks icon in the system tray, right click and choose Refresh. Then a restart may be required to finish updates.

How do I get a site unblocked?

See info here

How do I install a printer?

Check the printer page

Work order

Check here for work order form

I am leaving the district. How do I save my email and Sites?

Consider Google Take Out. This service lets you download files into various formats for storage and movement.

How do I host HTML files in Drive?

Directions are here.

Google Apps are having issues. What's going on?

App status is here