
Blythewood High School Technology Team

Mrs. Whitfield, Media Specialist, Technology Contact,

Mrs. Smith, Media Specialist, Technology Contact,

Mrs. Lenker, Technology and Learning Coach,

Mrs. Beth Mayer, Instructional Technology Assistant,

What are the Technology Contact Person's (TCP) duties?

1. Work with the Instructional Technology Specialist to assure that equipment is operational

2. Work with the Instructional Technology Specialist to develop, implement, and update a school instructional technology plan focusing on equipment needs for integration of technology into the instructional program

3. Provide technical advice and assistance to building-level users of technology

4. Perform basic troubleshooting and maintenance work

5. Coordinate reporting of technical problems using district supplied format

6. Maintain campus inventory of computers and computer related peripherals using district supplied format

7. Monitor installation of all software at the campus level to ensure integrity of software licensing restrictions

8. Serve as a member of the school’s Technology Team

9. Participate in district planning, training, and work sessions to integrate technology into the instructional process

10. Demonstrate professional growth by staying current with emerging instructional technologies as they apply to K-12 education including hardware and software by participation in seminars, conferences and training sessions

11. Demonstrate positive interpersonal relationships with faculty, students and the community

What are the Technology and Learning Coach's duties?

1. Provide leadership and coordination to develop, implement, and update a school instructional technology plan focusing on the integration of technology into the instructional program

2. Provide staff development opportunities to assist professional staff in the areas identified in the Educator’s Technology Standards

3. Develop long-range and short-range goals that implement a training program for staff to integrate technology into the instructional program

4. Coordinate planning sessions with individuals, teams, or subject areas providing guidance for effective use of technology applications.

5. Improve integration of technology into the curriculum by sharing in the development and implementation of technology enriched units.

6. Assist individual teachers in technology implementation through one-to-one training sessions and team teach demonstration lessons with teacher to model the use of technology in the curriculum

7. Assist teachers with the selection and implementation of instructional software consistent with district curriculum objectives

8. Coordinate the continuous development of the school’s web site, working with teachers to use class web pages for instructional purposes

9. Participate in district planning, training, and work sessions to integrate technology into the instructional process

10. Demonstrate professional growth by staying current with emerging instructional technologies as they apply to K-12 education including hardware and software by participation in seminars, conferences and training sessions

11. Demonstrate positive interpersonal relationships with faculty, students and the community

Tech.B@r Team