ReDBox Web Service API

The ReDBox Web Service API is a RESTful web service available in ReDBox and Mint from version 1.9. It exposes to clients the ability to:

    1. Retrieve, create and update records

    2. Search the solr index

    3. Send messages to the message queues for asynchronous processing


ReDBox's storage is modeled on the Fedora Commons 3 Digital Object Model. Records are stored in Object containers made up of a number of metadata datastreams to describe the record.

To aid interaction with the storage, the API uses the following terminology:

Object: The record's object container. Containers are identified by a 16 character identifier

Datastream: Metadata about the record. An object typically contains many datastreams. They can be of any media type.

Object Metadata: A metadata datastream that contains control information about the object (e.g. the owner of the object, what indexation script (rules) to use etc). The datastream ID for this metadata is TF-OBJ-META.

Record Metadata: A json metadata datastream that contains the principle metadata for a record. The forms in ReDBox store all their metadata in this file. The datastream ID for this metadata is metadata.json in Mint and a file that ends in .tfpackage in ReDBox

Package type: The structure of a record is defined by its package type. Packages are described by their harvest configuration present in the application's home/harvest directory


The API is secured using a secret key passed in the header using the OAuth 2.0 Bearer token standard on each request. For example using curl

curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxx" "https://localhost:9000/redbox/api/v1/info"

Information on how to manage API keys for clients is available here

Working with the Web Service

The API is specified using the Swagger 2.0 Open API specification and is available for download from here. Web documentation has been generated from this specification and can be viewed at

Using the Swagger specification, API client stubs can be generated with the swagger-codegen tool. During development, testing of the API was performed using the Postman chrome extension and the test suite can be found here for importation into your own installation. As well as being a useful tool for testing against the API, it also has the ability to generate API client stubs in some languages that aren't supported by swagger-codgen such as .NET.

For how to use the API to achieve common tasks, please see the How-to section.