03. Changing the object display

By default the Mint display for each object is rather technical - let's try and tidy it up a bit!

    1. Open the portal/default/mint/ directory

    2. Copy the display directory

    3. Paste the directory into portal/default/local/

    4. Open the newly pasted display directory

This is a handy way to start changing interfaces - copying from an existing skin.

If you go to portal/default/local/display/default/detail/preview you'll find a header and footer template. Compare that to portal/default/default/display/default/detail/preview and you can see that all the original Mint code does is "overload" two of the default templates. If you look at portal/default/default/display you'll see that there's a range of display templates for various content - including audio, video, text. Naturally, the system uses the default templates for content that doesn't have a specific template. These content aren't used much in the ReDBox and Mint systems but it's worth poking around the various files to get a feel for how things are done.

So let's change the display a little to create a basic staff profile page.

    • Open portal/default/local

    • Create a new directory named display

    • Under display create a new directory named parties_people

    • Under parties_people create a new directory named detail

    • Under detail create a new directory named preview

You should now have the following directory structure: portal/default/local/display/parties_people/detail/preview. In this directory add a file called body.vm with the following contents:

#macro( displayValue $value )

#if($value.size() > 1)

#foreach($item in $value)

<span class="meta-value">$self.escape($item)</span><br/>






#foreach($key in $metadata.getJsonObject().keySet())

$key -




As you change these files you're most likely going to need to restart Mint for the changes to take effect. Restart Mint now and browse to a person record - I always like Cosmo Costanza from the test data. When Cosmo's details display you should see a list of all of the key-value pairs available for us to display.

The details displayed are handy for determining the sort of variables we could use to create a staff profile page. Let's edit the body.vm file again:

#macro( displayValue $metadata $key )

#set( $value = $metadata.getList($key) )

#if($value.size() > 1)


#foreach($item in $value)

<li><span class="meta-value">$self.escape($item)</span></li>








#displayValue( $metadata, "Job_Title")



#displayValue( $metadata, "Email")



#displayValue( $metadata, "Description")



#foreach($key in $metadata.getJsonObject().keySet())

$key -

#displayValue($metadata $key)




Check the page and see what you think - perhaps some layout fine tuning and extra information are needed...