Create a new workflow


This document is in DRAFT. It is still being developed so expect it to be incomplete. I am also pasting in large code chunks - these will be setup as files or in a repo once sorted.


This how-to explores an approach to creating a new workflow within ReDBox. The new workflow will provide a set of self-submission forms for users.

Background reading

    • It'd be really useful to read the Edit the ReDBox forms how-to first.



    • Knowing how the portal works will be extremely important:



    • It may be useful to read up about the Security model:

Key files and folders

    • portal/default/redbox/scripts/ The basis for the home page display


Before you start this procedure, please make sure .

Step 1: Create a new role and user

For this how-to we'll setup a new role (submitter) and add a new user to that role (jim).

    1. Edit home/security/ and add the line "submitter=jim,guest"

    2. (Re)Start ReDBox

    3. Login as admin

    4. In the Admin menu, go to Security

    5. In the Users section, create a user. For this example, I'll refer to the username as "jim"

Step 2: Setup the new workflow harvest config

The forms system in ReDBox is essentially a harvest in which the data is coming from a form rather than a file. Each harvest has an associated config (a json file) and rules (a py file)

In home/harvest/workflows create a new file called selfsubmit.json with the content below.


"harvester": {

"type": "workflow-harvester",

"workflow-harvester": {

"force-storage": "true"



"transformer": {

"curation": ["local"],

"metadata": ["jsonVelocity"]


"curation": {

"neverPublish": true,

"alreadyCurated": false


"transformerOverrides": {

"local": {

"template": "${server.url.base}published/detail/[[OID]]"



"indexer": {

"script": {

"type": "python",

"rules": ""


"params": {

"": "ReDBox",

"repository.type": "Metadata Registry"



"stages": [


"name": "ss-draft",

"label": "Draft",

"description": "Records being created",

"security": ["submitter", "admin"],

"visibility": ["submitter", "admin"],

"template": "workflows/selfsubmit"



"name": "ss-completed",

"label": "Completed",

"description": "Completed records.",

"security": ["submitter", "admin"],

"visibility": ["submitter", "admin"],

"template": "workflows/selfsubmit"




Next, create another file in home/harvest/workflows called (This is more complex and I'm testing my code - will post when it's all good)

Add to system-config.json

"packageTypes": {

"default": {

"jsonconfig": "packaging-config.json",

"packages-in-package": false


"dataset": {

"jsonconfig": "dataset.json",

"packages-in-package": false


"dataset": {

"jsonconfig": "selfsubmit.json",

"packages-in-package": false



At this point you've setup the basic workflow and its rules file.

Step 3: Setup the homepage for submitters

In redbox/portal/default/redbox/scripts/, add the following code block to HomeData.__search at about line 90:

# Load in the selfsubmit workflow

selfSubmitWfConfig = JsonSimple(FascinatorHome.getPathFile("harvest/workflows/selfsubmit.json"))

selfSubmitJsonStageList = selfSubmitWfConfig.getJsonSimpleList(["stages"])

selfSubmitStages = []

for jsonStage in selfSubmitJsonStageList:

wfStage = WorkflowStage(jsonStage, self.__steps)


self.__selfSubmitStages = selfSubmitStages

Open portal/default/redbox/home.vm and change it to contain the code below:

#set($pageTitle = "Home")


<h2 id="page-heading">

<span>$page.portalName</span> $atomHtml



<div class="grid_12">







<div class="clear"></div>

<!-- IE7 needs a blank div here, class="prefix_4" doesn't work -->

<div class="grid_4">&nbsp;</div>


#if($page.authentication.has_role('submitter') or $page.authentication.is_admin())

<div class="grid_6">




#if($page.authentication.has_role('reviewer') or $page.authentication.has_role('librarian') or $page.authentication.is_admin())

<div class="grid_6">




<div class="grid_6">



<div class="clear"></div>



In portal/default/redbox/home, create a file called "self-submit-stages.vm" with the following content:

#set($menuTitle = "My submissions")


<div class="block">

<p>Select a stage to find all records in that stage.</p>









<tbody id="stages">

#foreach($stage in $self.selfSubmitStages)

#set($count = $stage.count)

<tr id="wfStage$velocityCount">



<img src="$portalPath/images/icons/wf_${}.png" />

<span class="titleText">

#if($count == 0)



<a class="stagelink" href="$portalPath/stage?stage=$stage.label" rel="$stage.label">$stage.label</a>






<td class="count" style="text-align:center">$count</td>







You can copy some of the icon files in portal/default/redbox/images so that you have wf_ss-completed.png and wf_ss-draft.png.

Open portal/default/redbox/menus/home-main-menu.vm and replace the content with the following:

<div class="grid_4">

#set($menuTitle = "Options")


<ul class="menu">

<li><a href="$portalPath/search">Browse records</a></li>


<li><a id="reharvest-view" href="#" rel="$portalId">Reharvest view...</a></li>

#if($portalId != $defaultPortal)

<li><a id="delete-view" href="#" rel="$portalId">Delete view...</a></li>





#if($page.authentication.has_role('reviewer') or $page.authentication.has_role('librarian') or $page.authentication.is_admin())

<a id="new-record" href="#">Add a new dataset</a>

#elseif ($page.authentication.has_role('submitter') or $page.authentication.is_admin())

<a id="new-ss-record" href="#">Self-submit a new dataset</a>



<a id="notify-record" href="$portalPath/workflows/submission">Notify us about a dataset</a>







#if($page.authentication.has_role('reviewer') or $page.authentication.has_role('librarian') or $page.authentication.is_admin())

<script type="text/javascript">

$(function() {

var jQ = $;

var processing = false;

jQ("#new-record").click(function() {

if (processing) return;

processing = true;

jQ("#new-record").append('<img class="right" src="$portalPath/images/icons/loading.gif" />');


type: "POST",

url: "$portalPath/actions/packaging.ajax",

data: {

ajax: 1,

func: "create-new",

packageType: "dataset",

metaList: ["title", "description", "redbox:newForm", "redbox:formVersion"],

title: "[Untitled]",

description: "",

"redbox:newForm": "true",

"redbox:formVersion": "$systemConfig.getString("", "redbox.version.string")"


success: function(data) {

if (data.status == "ok") {

function redirect() {

window.location.href = data.url;


setTimeout(redirect, 1500);

} else {

alert("Failed to create record!");



error: function(xhr, status, e) {

alert("Failed to create record!");


dataType: "json"


return false;




#elseif ($page.authentication.has_role('submitter') or $page.authentication.is_admin())

<script type="text/javascript">

$(function() {

var jQ = $;

var processing = false;

jQ("#new-ss-record").click(function() {

if (processing) return;

processing = true;

jQ("#new-record").append('<img class="right" src="$portalPath/images/icons/loading.gif" />');


type: "POST",

url: "$portalPath/actions/packaging.ajax",

data: {

ajax: 1,

func: "create-new",

packageType: "selfsubmit",

metaList: ["title", "description", "redbox:newForm", "redbox:formVersion"],

title: "[Untitled]",

description: "",

"redbox:newForm": "true",

"redbox:formVersion": "$systemConfig.getString("", "redbox.version.string")"


success: function(data) {

if (data.status == "ok") {

function redirect() {

window.location.href = data.url;


setTimeout(redirect, 1500);

} else {

alert("Failed to create record!");



error: function(xhr, status, e) {

alert("Failed to create record!");


dataType: "json"


return false;






When you log in as Jim you should see something like:


Finishing up