
Part 1: System Overview

Provides an overview of the ReDBox and Mint architectures and how they work together

Part 2: Installing ReDBox and Mint

A set of step-by-step guides to installing the systems

Part 3: Understanding the layout of the Mint and ReDBox systems

Describes the general system layout and how to find things such as configuration files and logs

Part 4: Loading data into ReDBox and Mint

Both systems have facilities for loading data from a variety of sources and this guide explains how they work

Part 5: Branding ReDBox

The ReDBox and Mint user interfaces can be customised to meet your organisation's needs

Part 6: ReDBox and Mint metadata templates

ReDBox and Mint provide templates for presenting your metadata in a range of formats

Part 7: Integration options

ReDBox and Mint are able to link into your core IT data and systems through various integration options

Part 8: System administration

Provides a full list of all system administration documentation

Part 9: Technical

A variety of documents aimed at the developer community

Part 10: HOW-TOs

A set of generally technical guides on how to achieve something

Further reading