Contact RFPD

In case of emergency call: 911

Main business number: 303-841-8111

Fax number: 303-841-8734

Mailing Address:

46200 Coal Creek Drive

Parker, Colorado 80138

If you have questions, comments, or complaints we can be reached via email. Before immediately contacting Chief, please look at all of the contact options for the one that is best suited to the nature of your email. While you are certainly welcome and encouraged to contact the Chief's directly, we have found that many emails can be addressed faster and more thoroughly through one of the other available channels.

For general inquiries please contact:

For public relations, events, or press considerations please contact:

Chief Kilduff

For Public CPR training information please contact:

 Engineer Scott  

For Burn Permit questions and commercial inspections please contact:

Chief Kilduff

For Planning and Review please contact:

Chief Kilduff

For all NON EMERGENT fire related concerns and or training please contact:

Chief Standard

For all NON EMERGENT medical related concerns and or training please contact:

Chief Craigie

For the RFPD Fleet Manager please contact:

Fleet Manager Aaron Lutter

If you have a concern that you feel can only be resolved by the Chief of Operations for Rattlesnake Fire you may contact him at:

Chief Standard

If you have a concern that you feel can only be resolved by the Chief of Rattlesnake Fire you may contact him at:

Chief Kilduff

For questions, suggestions, or comments about our website or accessibility issues please contact: