Medical Records

Patients shall have access to their own medical records. The district will provide copies of these records for a fee of $ 0.25 per page copied provided the patient has come to us in person and has photo identification verifying they are patient. This identification shall be photocopied and a copy of it along with a dated explanation of what was released shall be attached to the original medical record on file. If the patient is a minor, the parents or legal guardians of the patient shall provide sufficient identification to allow the release of copies of the medical records.

Individuals with Power of Attorney for a patient shall have access to the patients medical records. The district shall provide copies of these records at $0.25 per page copied provided the individual with the Power of Attorney has come to us in person and has photo identification verifying they are the correct person. This identification shall be photo copied and a copy of it along with a dated explanation of the medical record release and a copy of the Power of Attorney document shall be attached to the original medical record file.

Medical records may be mailed if the district receives a document to release medical information signed by the patient and notarized by a notary public verifying it is the patient that signed the release of medical information form. This form shall be attached to the original medical record and filed. A fee of $ 0.25 per page copied and shipping (certified mail) will be charged for mailing medical records.

Medical records may be mailed if the district receives a document to release medical information signed by an individual with Power of Attorney for the patient and notarized by a notary public verifying it is correct person that signed the release of information form. The release of medical record form and a copy of the Power of Attorney shall be attached to the original medical record and filed. A $0.25 per page copied and shipping (certified mail) will be charged for mailing medical records.

To personally obtain a copy of your medical records, please stop by our Training Center located at: 46200 Coal Creek Drive, Parker, CO 80138. Or call 303-841-8111 for more information.

RFPD memo requirement for records review      

Medical information release form