Developmental Stages of Reading

Developmental Stages of Reading

Developmental Characteristics of Readers

Early Reader

• uses picture for clues

• retells a simple story which is read to them

• recalls some details

• knows names of letters

• identifies consonant sounds at beginning and end of words

• uses configuration as clue to identify words

• reads by rote

• reads one word at a time-choppy

• selects simple repetitious books

• reads favorite books over and over

• silent sustained reading 5-10 minutes

• has the desire to be a fluent reader

• enjoys retelling stories

Developing Reader

• sequences events in story

• tells main idea

• makes predictions

• identifies main characters

• identifies setting

• differentiates between fact and fiction

• identifies high frequency words

• some awareness of medial vowel sounds

• uses context clues

• begins to self correct

• understands the meaning of . ? !

• pauses and uses appropriate inflection for punctuation

• reads phrases

• selects a variety of books

• silent sustained reading 10-15 minutes

• begins to feel confident when reading silently or orally

Fluent Reader

• recognizes plot of story

• recognizes problem and solution in a story

• evaluates character's actions or behaviors

• uses a variety of clues to decode unfamiliar words

• identifies blends, digraphs, dipthongs

• applies vowel rules to sound out words

• understands affixes

• uses punctuation correctly

• reads with expression

• reads smoothly

• selects a wide variety of books

• may select chapter books

• silent sustained reading at least 20 minutes

• confident

• enjoys sharing favorite books

• enjoys challenges

• selects reading during free time