About Me

About Me


Name: Mrs. McGhie

Birthday: April 12

Hobbies: I collect ceramic figurines. I also enjoy sewing, reading, playing my flute, and of course -- teaching!

Favorite Food: Specialty breads. I used to bake bread, but no longer have time. I miss the fun of it and the aroma! I also love lattees!

Special Likes: Things that smell good -- scented lotions, or scented candles. Other special likes: Teaching, of course!


Song: I couldn't name one favorite song. I love music. I especially enjoy a CD called "Spirit of the Forest." I listen to a lot of country music; but I also enjoy Mozart.

Book: I couldn't name one favorite book. There are so many wonderful books out there; but I enjoy anything by Dr. Seuss, Eric Carle, or Cynthia Rylant. I was deeply touched by a book called "Thinking in Pictures" by Temple Grandin who is autistic. I'm currently hooked on "Who-Dun-its."

Movie: I love "The Sound of Music." I also love the movie "Awakenings;" but the ending makes me sad. I still watch it over and over again, hoping that some day there will be better options for people with brain disorders. I spent many years working with children who had similar disorders. Although I no longer see these children, I still think of them often and wish for medical miracles that have yet to be discovered.

A bit more about me

I live in Phoenix, AZ with my husband, son, and our Maltese dog named Oliver. Oliver is an important part of our household. In fact, he thinks he runs it. I'm not sure that he's wrong. We moved here from Seaside, Oregon over 20 years ago. ... from the Land of the rain to the Land of the sun. We love it here!