Bookworms 2019/2020

Information About Bookworms


Bookworm circles are earned.

The student must read the book with 90% accuracy (about), and be able to tell about what he has read. This has such a tremendous positive impact on the student's reading skills! Research shows that the more the child reads the same book aloud to different adults, the better reader he will be overall. Thank you so much volunteers for all your help with this. The children and I truly appreciate you!

Bookworm Guidelines:

*Bookworm books are kept 1 to 3 days, depending on how long it takes the child to master the book.

*The shorter books need to be read 3 to 5 times, out loud to an adult; until they are able to read it out loud with 90% accuracy.

*As the children move into very long books, it becomes less practical to read the books 5 times. Still, the child needs to be able to read the book well and to do a "re-tell" of the book before he returns it.

* If your child has chosen a book that is too difficult for him, he may trade it in for an easier book, although no bookworm circle will be earned in this instance.

*If your child has chosen a very long book, and needs an extra day, he need only tell the Bookworm mom, when his name is called to read the book --no problem at all!

A word about how the bookworm books are selected:

The students self select their bookworm books, just as they might in a library. Parent volunteers help. I have a very large number of books and many are grouped by theme or author, rather than level. The children have all been taught the "5-finger rule"for selecting a book and the rule is listed on this Web Site under the "Book Lists" tab. This system is less restrictive, allowing the students greater access to books that truly interest them. Thank you parents for all your important feedback regarding the books your children are reading.

All bookworm circles are stapled to our classroom wall to form a long gigantic Bookworm that circles our room. All circles are returned to the students at the end of the year during our Bookworm Celebration.

Library books, from our own WWA library, may also be read to the volunteers for Bookworm circles.

Sometimes your child picks library books from the WWA library that are meant to be read by you. Sometimes he picks books that he can read by himself. If he can read it, he is invited to earn the circle!

Please no books from home, however.

The intent is for students to read books that are new to him and to extend his reading experience by reading new material.

Below is the running total for our bookworm count:


8/30/19 - 16 Circles earned

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