Drums Alive -

Chicken Drums Alive - please watch the video so you know what you need for the Drums Alive lessons. Also, Have Fun!

National PE Standard 1 - Combines Locomotor /nonlocomotor skills in a teacher - designed dance. (S1.E5.)

I Can:

  • remember the pattern for the dance.

  • participate safely when moving during the dance.

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Video 1

Routine for the Chicken Routine.

1. Four taps on top of the pillow.

2. Four taps on the side of the pillow.

3. Four taps on the floor.

4. Four taps above your head.

5. Repeat 1 - 4 - Four times.

6. Walk around the pillow (drum) 2 times as

you tap the pillow (drum) 16 times with

one stick while walking to the R.

Change direction and tap the pillow

(drum) 16 times with one stick while

walking to the left.

7. Repeat the entire routine 2 - 3 times.

Video 2

Chicken Drum Routine created by R. Chakian