Term 3 Y7 & 8

Week 9:

Film Festival: Scripting and Production.

Catch up

In your groups from week 7, see what you are all up to.

*Finalise plans of storyboard and job roster - who does what (share with Mrs Tele'a on doc)

*Include the scripting/costume/setting

*Begin filming/production of film

Please go here to complete an update for your team (Mrs Tele'a is VERY interested about our progress)

Week 8:

Film Festival: Scripting and Production.

Catch up

In your groups from week 7, see what you are all up to.

*Finalise plans of storyboard and job roster - who does what (share with Mrs Tele'a on doc)

*Include the scripting/costume/setting

*Begin filming/production of film

Camera angles: check out Visual Literacy for tips on angles/shots also go here to remind yourself of the basic camera angles to use

Social media: PMI - Positive/Minus/Interesting

The Positive: talk with your neighbour and make a list of the positive outcomes of social media

The Minus: talk with your neighbour and make a list of the negative outcomes of social media

The Interesting: talk with your neighbour and make a list of the interesting outcomes of social media

Week 7:

Storylines Festival: Reflection post on blog

*Which two authors did you enjoy the most - why?

*If you were to present at this festival - what resources would you use to deliver your message? Explain why these resources would be effective.

*What else would you have liked to find out?

*Close your post with a message to the authors who presented.

Preparation for the Film Festival:

Social media: PMI - Positive/Minus/Interesting

The Positive: talk with your neighbour and make a list of the positive outcomes of social media

The Minus: talk with your neighbour and make a list of the negative outcomes of social media

The Interesting: talk with your neighbour and make a list of the interesting outcomes of social media

Class discussion around: Movie and Images shown by Mrs Tele'a in class

Week 5 - 6:

Storylines Festival is on this week for both the year 5/6 and 7/8 extension classes. It promises to be another inspiring event with talks from four outstanding authors. Before we leave for this trip it's time to find out about these authors.

Each year as part of the Storylines Festival, the Story Tour brings New Zealand writers and illustrators into schools and early childhood centres. This is an unique opportunity for students to meet their literary heroes and to get an insight from a writer or illustrators perspective. Now's your chance for your students to get answers to some of those burning questions: Where do their ideas come from? What was the inspiration? How did they know they wanted to become a writer or illustrator? How did they make their dream a reality?

Authors: Juliette Mclver, Cath Mayo, Jill MacGregor, Paula Green.

Task 1:

Complete a blogpost that includes the following about the four authors:

Where are they based?

What types of books do they write?

What other interesting things can we find out about them?

What 3 questions would you like to ask these authors?

Which author(s) are you most looking forward to hearing from this Thursday?

Task 2:

Radio show host: Go here for tips on interviewing:

Sports talk 4 Kids

Using information gathered about above authors: draw up a script for DJ and 3-4 others where you will interview one another about the four authors. This is also a advertisement for the upcoming storyline festival. Make it sound exciting - entice people to attend. Once you are ready collect the microphone and record onto garageband.


With Miss Vaafusuaga:

New Zealand first to mark First World War Centenary

*Read (10 minutes) WW100 NZ, go to 'Latest News' to find out how NZ is marking this day.


1. In teams of 3 discuss the morning's Anzac Assembly:

a)Why have had a special assembly?

b)Why is this event very special to many people of Aotearoa?

c)Why not?

2. Write a blog post:

Focus: Recount of this mornings assembly that ends with an explanation of why this is important to many people of Aotearoa

(use notes from group brainstorm to complete this part of your post.

End post with your own thoughts on the marking of this day in history)

3. NZ as a host

When did NZ host these games?

Research one of the hosting years:

a) find information of the hosting city in NZ:

*what facilities were used?

*Host village?

*NZ team uniform?


*Sports that were played?


*NZ's tally of medals

*Top 3 countries in this year?

Week 2:

Commonwealth Games:

What is the Commonwealth?

Countries who are part of this?

Where in the world are these countries?

What do these countries have in common?

Create a 1 - 3 minute movie to share these facts with PES students. (PENN slot week 3)