Parents & Whanau

Welcome to parents and whanau of extension group students.

We hope you have found this site useful, knowing what your child is learning, creating, sharing and reflecting upon. A huge factor to your child's success has been your continual support. Here's a few reminders you can share with your whanau to assist in your child's progress.

BLOGS - your child's publishing space

*Visit your child's blog as often as you can and leave a comment. (here to find your chid's individual blog)

These are some guidelines your child uses when commenting:

a. Make it positive

b.Be thoughtful - show in your response that you've noticed certain detail in their post

c.Be helpful - you may wish to make a suggestion of something they can try to improve their writing

Pedagogy: Style of learning - examples of how we learn, create and share

*familiarise yourself with the language and practices inside your child's learning - go to tab 'Learn Create Share.

Not just within PES but further into the Manaiakalani Cluster.

Keep yourself up-skilled through netbook training modules. Click on image below to find out more.


You are very welcome to contact our Extension Group teacher Andrea Tele'a for any further information regarding your child or the extension group programme.