Ch10: Circles
Text: Circles
Day 1 - B 3/27, W 3/28
10.1 Circles and Circumference
Opener: SAT Prep pg 35, 1-4
IC: pg 526: 16-20, 28-31, 38-43, 44-54 even
Day 2 - B 3/29, W 4/1
10.2 Angles and Arcs (Central Angles)
Opener: p528 75-80
Day 3 - B 4/2, W 4/3
Opener: SAT Prep pg 37, 8-12
10.3 Angles and Arcs (Arc measure)
Opener: p533 14-23
IC: p533 24-39
Day 4 - B 4/8, W 4/5
Opener: SAT Prep pg 39 #19, p49 #30, p50 #36
10.3 Angles and Arcs (Arc length)
Opener: p535 57, 59-62
IC: 1 - 16
Day 5 - B 4/10, W 4/11
No Class
Day 6 - B 4/22, W 4/23
IC: Review 1 - 30
Day 7 - B 4/24, W 2/25
Quiz 10.1 - 10.3
Day 8 - B 4/26, W 4/29
10.4 Inscribed Angles
IC: 1 - 16
Day 9 - B 4/30, W 5/1
10.4 Inscribed Angles
IC: 1 - 9 AND 1 - 15
Day 10 - B 5/2, W 5/3
10.4 Inscribed Angles
IC: 1 - 18
Day 11 - B 5/6, W 5/7
10.5 Angles of Secants and Tangents
IC: 2 - 28 even
Day 12 - B 5/8, W 5/9
10.5 Angles of Secants and Tangents
IC: 1 - 27 odd
Day 12 - B 5/10, W 5/13
10.5 Angles of Secants and Tangents
IC: 1 - 32
Day 12 - B 5/14, W 5/15
Circles Test