Computer Science 1: Coding with Python
"It (coding) also teaches you that being wrong doesn’t mean you don’t progress. When I code, I’m wrong over and over until finally I’m right.”
James Quigley
Student - MIT
"You need the willingness to fail all the time. You have to generate many ideas and then you have to work very hard only to discover that they don’t work. And you keep doing that over and over until you find one that does work.”
John Backus
Inventor of the Fortran programming language
The Eniac (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) women were among the first coders to discover that software never works right the first time — and that a programmer’s main work, really, is to find and fix the bugs.
"The Secret History of Women in Coding"
Clive Thompson, 2019
The New York Times Magazine
Quarter 1
Unit 1 - Intro to Computers and Python
Unit 2 - Data Types, Variables, Expressions
Section 2.1 - Values and Data Types
Practice Exercises 1 - Due 9/16
Section 2.2 - Variables
Section 2.3 - Expressions
Section 2.4 - Operations and Operands
Practice Exercises 2 - Due 9/20
Section 2.5 - User Input
Section 2.6 - Order of Operations
Section 2.7 - Python Modules
Practice Exercises 3 - Due 9/26
Unit 2 Final Projects - Due 10/4
Unit 3 - Functions and Fruitful Functions
Section 3.0 - f-Strings
Section 3.1 - Functions
Section 3.2 - Variables, Parameters, and Scope
Functions practice #1 - Due 10/28
Section 3.3 - Functions and Generalization
Section 3.4 - Using a Main Function
Unit 3 - Final Project - Due 11/1
Unit 4 - Getting Started with Graphics, Pt1
Conditionals Practice Due 12/10
Quarter 2
Unit 6 - Iteration
for Loop Notes
for Loop Exercises Due 1/6
Nested for Loop Notes
Nested for Loop Exercises Due 1/10
Quarter 3
while Loop Notes
while Loop Exercises Due 1/22
Sample Code
Student Sample: R, P, S Game
Unit 7 - Tkinter and Graphics, Pt 2: Intro to GUI's (Graphic User Interface)
String Exercises Due 3/10
Unit 9 - Lists - (Alternate Reference)
List Exercises Due 3/20
Unit 10 - List Comprehension (Video)
LC Exercises Due 2/7
Review Project -
Unit 13 - Files, Data Visualization, and .format() for strings
Text Files needed for Exercises. Download to your computer and
drag/drop them to your working project:
Sample Code 1 Sample Code 2 Sample Code 3
Data Plotting Exercises, Pt 1 -
Time, Temperature, Pressure, and Volume
Data Plotting Exercises, Pt 2 -
Files for plotting (these files will download ready to use):
Unit 14 - Tkinter and Graphics, Pt3