CEI 2011 Student Evaluation

Au Wing Yin

Today is the last day of the Conference. We had a closing ceremony and disco night. In the disco night, all of the caretakers danced together wildly. Our distance between nations, skin, height and shape became closer and closer. I think that our friendship will last very long.

Chan Hiu Tung Virginia

Eventually the 10-days conference is over, I met a lot of people and I learnt a lot. In this conference, I can find some difference between Hongkongers and foreigners such as they give a big hug to each other when they meet to greet each other and have a close conversation immediately they make friends much after than us whereas we Hongkongers are not good talkers at least few days are required for us to get used to speak English environment.

Cheung Sze Wan


Chu Sing Yung

CEI 2011 is a seven-day conference. However, things that I have experienced and learnt in Hungary are a lot more than seven-days.

This is the second time for me to go to this conference. Last year, I was just a junior student. I did not even dare to talk with the foreigners. But after last year’s experience, I have gained the confidence as well as good presentation skills. But what I have learnt in these seven-day is not as simple as last year. From this year experience, I have learnt how to be a leader, leading a group to finish a project and even perform a dance that can gain the loudest applause in the performance at cultural nights.

Lee Ka Yu

For me, I have an improvement in leadership and social skill last year. I was a junior student and I focused on my presentation. In leadership and social skills, I have less chance for practise. This time, I need to lead my groupmates and be a leader. Although I am not a perfect leader but I think I did a pretty good job.

Man King Hang

Today, we have already presented once, I was a bit nervous. I made some mistakes during the presentation but glad it did not affect the whole process. Comparatively I think we presented quite good. Nath told me that I needed to improve because a good presentation needs a smooth speech. I do agree presentation skills are very important especially for job in the future.

Pang Tsz Yan Julia

Meeting new friends is enjoyable and when it is people from various part of the globe it is even more fun. Today I found that the most important thing for meeting new friends is to be an active person. I learnt that we can break the ice by chatting something which is interesting or something in common. For example, we can ask them about their future plans or their favourite singers, their school life and some interesting experience to share. After the icebreaking, I became more confident to talk with others and even exchanged the e-mails and add each other on facebook.

Tam Felix Hon Yin

From the project, I learnt how biodiversity affects the economy and tourism and how tourism can protect the environment. I could learn from other groups that what a presentation need, also how to respect the presenters and how a good PowerPoint should look like. I met a lot of new friends and when I saw some students look like some characters then I will directly tell them who they assemble. It is quite funny. Most of the students are kind and friendly and they will think of you before doing any things with you. They will also share what they have with you.

Tang Lai Tung

七天的會議眨眨眼便過去了,由第一天惆悵穿什麼衣服去參與開幕禮,到緊張地滙報,直到成功地表演跳舞,一切都是新的體驗。這次是我第一次自己出國,甚至參加國際會議,所以對於所有的安排都很陌生,發生了很多第一次的嘗試:第一次主動參加活動、第一次結識外國朋友 (Natasha 和 Jessica) ,令我大開眼界,認識世界各地不同的文化。

Wong Hiu Ching



Wong Sam Yin

在開幕典禮上, Toth Avpad Secondary School 校長致辭時提及到環境保護的議題,並曾經提及「廿五年前」和「廿五年後」的概念。自然環境與我們的生活息息相關,我們的生活裡無時無刻也與大自然有著緊密的聯繫。在今天的工作坊裡,我們也探討了一些人類與環境關係上的原則,以及我們對那些原則所擁有的權利與義務。我覺得人類與環境的微妙關係,就是大自然提供人類資源,人類是有這個權利去使用、運用它們;但同時,人類亦有責任去保護、珍惜這些天然資源,不要過量使用、濫用它們。

Wong Siu Miu

During this conference, I learnt good presentation skills, although I learn that in the L.S. lesson also. Furthermore, I learn the importance of protecting Earth and conserving nature. Also, I learnt how to start the conversation with foreigners in English. It boosted my confident to speak in English.

Wong Ying Chi

I feel happy that all of us, 13 students can act like a team. We offered help to others whenever it is possible. And if some of us is feeling ill or sad, we will immediately comfort him/her. We will share our experience on CEI, and the need to improve our presentation skills and how to behave nicely. This is a good event in improving one’s communication skills, English speaking and decision making skills.