CEI 2011 Research presentations

Group 1: Geological Heritage and Ecotourism in the Geopark

AU Wing Yin, CHU Sing Yung, MAN King Hang, WONG Ying Chi

In the present project, a route of island-tour was designed. The route integrates various features of the island. With a diverse areas involved in the route, interests of different visitors are catered. Rocks can generate ecological and social values. Involving visitors to the island is a way allowing them to understand the value of geology conservation. Actions speak louder than words.

Group 2: Threats, Values and Conservation of Nam Sang Wai

CHAN Hiu Tung Virginia, CHEUNG Sze Wan, LEE Ka Yu, TAM Felix Hon Yin, WONG Sam Yin

In this project, we are going to examine the value of Nam Sang Wai to the economy, environment and the society. We will study the characteristics, heritages, ecosystem and the social values of Nam Sang Wai. We will also discuss the impact of developing nature-based tourism on the study area. Through careful control on tourism, visitors, rather than sight-seeing, can deeply understand the meaning of natural conservation.

Group 3: Heritage and Tourism in Rural Hong Kong

Jackie Tang, Julia Pang, Emily Wong, Ivy Wong

During the research field trips were held and the leader of the village and the people, who help visitors to cross the harbor to and forth the Yim Tin Tsai Village by boat were interviewed. Yim Tin Tsai Village consists of the beauty of natures, which is rare to be seen in a city like Hong Kong, historical Hakka Houses and a very old church can still be seen there. However, due to lack of government’s attention the salt farm, the sea and the entire island is getting more and more polluted. Hope the study could get the officials attention to cooperate and listen to the villagers concern of assisting in creating organic farms, reuse of the salt field including repairing toilets and putting more rubbish bins to avoid further destruction to the island and the sea.