Object Control

Preschool Milestones: Based on Peabody Developmental Motor Scale 2nd Ed.

Object Control (Manipulation Skills)

Kick playground ball forward over 6 feet (3 yrs)

Kick playground ball forward 12 feet (5 yrs)

Throw tennis size ball underhanded

    • 3 years: 6 feet
    • 4 years: 10 feet to target

Use the upper trunk and coordinate the arms and legs to throw at a greater distance and hit a target using an underhand throw. (3 1/2)

Throw tennis size ball 10 feet forward overhanded (4 yrs)

Attempt to catch a playground size ball by moving hands and arms towards chest, may secure to chest (37-42 months)

Successfully catches playground ball with hands, from 5 feet away (4 yrs)

Catch a tennis ball with only hands from 5 foot distance (49-54 months)

Early Ball skills (Before Preschool/Toddlers):

6-12 months Rolls a ball in imitation of an adult

12 months Stand and throw a ball without accuracy, may lose balance

18 months Pushes against a ball (does not actually kick it)

2 years Throw a small ball in a forward direction using either an overhand or underhand technique.

In kindergarten and up, children refine and become more coordinated in their throwing and catching with the coordination of the arms, trunk and legs. Accuracy will improve.

Early Ball Skill Practice Activities (under construction)

Play with various size balls

Elementary Years: Throwing

Free Overhand Throwing FMS Manipulative Poster.pdf

Overhand Throw


Three steps

1. Ready Position

2. Step with opposite foot towards the target

3. Follow Through

Free Underhand Throwing FMS Manipulative Poster.pdf

Underhand Throw


Three steps:

1. Ready Position

2. Arm Back

3. Step and Throw

Underhand Roll


First 2 minutes of the video gives a nice learning sequence.


Between 2 people or self

Bounce to self (click for video)

(early step to a dribble)

Bounce Pass (click for video)

(between two people)

Catching (under construction)