Activities: Strength
Developmental Strengthening: (Using our typical movement to get stronger.)
These activities are great for preschool age children as well as older children that are weaker.
Squat for items in place:
Repeatedly retrieve items from the floor while at the couch or coffee table. Place items at the child's feet or on a stool. The child reaches down to retrieve the item and place it to a toy on the work surface. This can be with puzzles or a shape sorter for example.
Squat for items around the room to return them to a location (puzzle):
This is similar to the task above, but the child walks to retrieve the items and squats to pick them up.
Sit to stand from a stool or bottom stairwell step:
Child sits on the surface and rises to reach the item to place in a toy like a shape, then sits to place it in the shape sorter. Or the shape sorter could be on a table and they rise from sitting with the shape.
High-kneel walk:
Child walks on their knees from place to place with a game like a puzzle. Knee walk when playing basketball type game.
All fours crawling:
Crawling various obstacles like bean bags, pillows, blankets. You can place a tunnel on these items or place them in the tunnel as well.
Belly Play:
Play with toys on your belly. You can also read and color in this position.
Practice rolling across the room like a log.
Animal Walks:
Animal walks help with strength and so much more like coordination and sensory input. It is okay to modify your expectations as they learn it.
Children First Videos: Animal Walks Simple Animals Walks Medium Animal Walks Complex
Exercise Handouts
Core/Leg/Arm Exercise Videos
Belly Muscles: Cannonball/Crunch Ball
Hold 10-30 sec.
Belly Muscles: Crunches/Diagonal Crunches
Do 10, increase sets as tolerated
Belly Muscles: Boat Pose
Hold to count of 5-10, increase as tolerated
Back Muscles: Superman
Hold 10-30 seconds.
Core: Pointer Balance/Alternating Superman
Hold 10 seconds, alternate sides. Do 3 on each side.
Hold 10 seconds or 5 breathes. Do 4.
Hold 10 seconds or 5 breathes. Do 4.
Do 10, increase sets as tolerated, do both sides
Leg Lifts
Do 10, increase sets as tolerated, do both sides
Hip Extension
Do 10, increase sets as tolerated, do both sides
Chair Pose
Hold 10 seconds or 5 breathes, repeat 4-6 times
Wall Squats
Do 10, increase sets as tolerated
Couch/Therapy Ball Walk Outs: Get on the couch or over a ball with hands on the floor. Walk on your hands to stretch out your body. Do a task in this position such as a puzzle or move in an out 10 times. Slow and steady, do not rush.
Ball walk outs. Can use couch to adapt to home. See video below.
"Strength" Chores: All ages
1. Carrying/pushing laundry
2. Carrying Groceries
3. Yard work to child's age level (Raking, shoveling, pulling weeds)
4. Taking out the garbage
5. Washing the floor (squeezing out a mop or sponge, scrubbing the floor)
6. Loading the washer and dryer with clothes
7. Taking sheets, blankets, and pillowcases off beds to be washed
8. Making beds
Chores for many areas of motor development. See Link below.