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Message from Physical Therapy:

Welcome to the Oxford Public School Physical Therapy page. I am the school PT, Patricia Grenier, MSPT also know as Mrs. Grenier. Here, you will find information on gross motor development, activities, as well as online resources and video supports.

Navigate the site by clicking the 3 lines at the top left corner to get to various pages (Gross Motor Development, Activities and Resources etc).

I work in all the school buildings each week. The easiest way to get in contact with me is via email. My headquarters (where I spend most of my time) is at Barton this year.

Contact Information: pgrenier@oxps.org

Note: The contents of this website is to support students of the Oxford Public Schools access supportive information and strategies for the home. Care and supervision is expected in implementing these activities. Not all activities are appropriate across student populations or may need to be modified based on student needs.