Activities: Coordination



  • Ability to integrate multiple movements into efficient movement.

Bilateral Coordination

  • Bilateral coordination is the ability to use both sides of the body together in a coordinated way. This impacts the development of fine motor skills and gross motor skills. Great discussion in the link below at OT Mom Learning Activities and Your Therapy Source . Bilateral coordination is linked to academic achievement and attention.

Move like Me:

Coordination builds on a child's ability to imitate.

  • Copy body positions. Start with symmetrical positions where the body is doing the same thing on each side then move to positions that are different on each side.

  • Copy body actions. Hand, legs and then the whole body.

    • Move like animals

    • Follow the Leader

    • Sing "if you are happy and you know it" with paired actions

  • For older children (5 and up), try to have them copy exact, same leg or arm as you do.

  • Yoga cards or videos are great for imitation. Remember that early on they may not use the same side, but will mirror you or the card.

Animal Walks:

Animal walks help with strength and so much more like coordination and sensory input. It is okay to modify your expectations as they learn it.


Children First Videos: Animal Walks Simple Animals Walks Medium Animal Walks Complex

Crossing Midline

Crossing midline is the ability to cross over an imaginary line down the center of your body from head to toes, separating the body into a left and right side. This skill requires that the right and left sides of the brain work together to create a motor action. (Your Therapy

Article with ideas of games that support crossing midline.


From Your Therapy

(Free Download)

Move in your environment:

Left vs. Right

Children learn to distinguish between left versus right between 5 and 6.


  • Start by teaching them the name for their dominant hand (if it has been identified). Then move to the teaching the other hand.

  • Label the dominant hand when you are dressing, eating, playing.

  • Hold your child's hand in public situations or for safety by their dominant hand. " I am going to hold your right hand.

  • If your child knows the letter L you can teach the the LEFT hand makes an L with the first finger and thumb.

  • Focus on their own left vs right before teaching yours.

  • As they get more confident, reinforce which way you are moving when you drive, walk, or move to the left or right. Progress to playing Hokie Pokie and Simon Says.

  • Once they learn their own left vs right (show hand or leg asked for) then start to move objects to left or right, sorting. Put the pig on the left of the line. Put the dog on the right of the line.

  • Make hand prints on a sheet of paper and label left vs right hand. You can do the same for the feet.

  • Setting the table works on left vs right.

  • Practice putting items away using left vs. right.

  • Practice left vs. right in different positions, on belly, on back and in all fours. This changes their perspective.


Left and Right Hand Poster

Free download from

Teaching Left With the Letter L

Show them the LEFT hand by showing the L with the index finger and thumb. (Kindergarten and up with know their letters)

Locomotion Skills to practice to support coordination:

  • belly crawling and all fours crawling

  • galloping left and right

  • skipping


Your Therapy Source Why bilateral coordination is important and activities.

OT Mom Learning Activities What is bilateral coordination and activities.

Pink Oatmeal