
In 21st century we can say that the world is globalized. In global business, it is important to be able to function effectively in different cultural contexts. There will alwas be possibility for stereotyiping, and different ideas about mixing cultures. That´s why it´s important to communicate, to understand each other better. With intercultural diversity many people have different ideas, which may have positive outcome and be more innovative, but it depends how well they work together. When others values are not shared and respected, it could cause troubles.

6 stages of intercultural sensivity:

1) Denial- there´s no interest in cultural differences

2) Defense/reversal- people feel threatened by cultural difference

3) Minimisation- people start to find similarities between themselves and other cultures

4) Acceptance- people are able to recognize and appreciate cultural difference

5) Adaption- people are able to see other´s viewpoint

6) Integration- people are able to help others understand different cultures