Earth/Sun Interactions

 What are my learning targets?

 Can I describe the relative positions and movement of the Earth, sun, moon?

How did scientists break the geocentric theory for Earth in space?  Describe pieces of evidence.

Can I describe how we discovered 

Why are there seasons on Earth?

 How am I going to learn them?

 Galileo/Copernicus Movie Guide- Historical view, background knowledge for geo/heliocentric view of planetary motion.

Demo/Notes- Earth, Sun, Moon motion, axis, direction, rotation, revolution, time, synchronous rotation, lines of longitude, Greenwich time, international dateline

Seasons Poster

Starry Night- Earth Sun, Seasons on Earth

Earth, Sun, Moon Reading Guide

 How will I know if I learned them?

 I can Pass the following assessments with a C or better:

Earth and Sun Assessment