
Coding with micro:bit

The Micro:bit uses a block coding program called MakeCode that looks similar to Scratch. You can access this program online here.

Uploading your code onto the Micro:bit is a little more difficult than just pressing a button. Use the following directions to get your code onto the Micro:bit.

Uploading Micro:bit Code from Chrome

Code Club Tutorials

Code Club has a number of great tutorials to help you understand more about the Micro:bit. These are just a few examples of what you can do as you use the tutorials to help you learn. You can access all of the Code Club tutorials here. There are also more project ideas built into the MakeCode website. You can find those projects here.

Code an interactive badge.

Create a magic wand carnival game.

Create a timer.

...and much more.

Physical computing with the micro:bit

Using alligator clips and the pins at the bottom of the Micro:bit, you can read data from sensors and control lights and motors. These simple tutorials will show you how to get your Micro:bit to interact with external components. You can find these tutorials here.

Motion Sensor

LED Lights

Ultrasonic Sensor

Moisture Sensor