
What are eTextiles?

The name eTextiles comes from two words, electronics and textiles. In this project you'll have the opportunity to work on combining art with electronics through the use of the LilyPad pieces and readily-available pieces of felt. While you don't need prior experience to work on this project, it does require patience and careful reading of directions.

What materials will I be using?

Coin Cell Battery

A 3 volt battery whose code name is CR2032.

LilyPad LED

A small sewable LED (light-emitting diode).

Battery Holder

A sewable battery holder for the CR2032 battery.

Conductive Thread

A special thread capable of carrying electric current.

LilyPad Twinkle

A tiny sewable computer that is programmed to control LEDs.

Which project will you choose?

Each of the projects listed below are a great way to learn about eTextiles. If you are new to sewing or making circuits, you may want to choose either of the beginner projects.

eTextiles Bookmark


In this project you will create a light-up bookmark using a button cell battery and an LED.


Sparkling Bracelet


In this project you will create a sparkling bracelet using a battery, LED, and sewable computer chip.


Plush Monster


In this project you will create a plush monster with blinking eyes using a battery, LEDs, and sewable computer chip.



Illustrations and project information care of Sew Electric - LINK