Assessment Rubric

Problem Solving

Problem solving is a critical skill in all facets of life. Successful problem solvers are able to recognize a problem and strategically seek out resources to help overcome obstacles.


Team members used problem solving skills including tutorials, help menus, manuals, trial and error, and collaboration with peers. Team members consistently utilized the three before me strategy.


Team members spent the majority of the time using problem solving skills and utilizing the three before me strategy. At times, team members were encouraged to find their own solution to a problem.


Team members occasionally utilized resources to solve problems, but most often sought out support from the facilitator. Team members opted for an easier task rather than trying to find a solution to a problem.


Team members rarely sought out resources to solve problems encountered. When encountered, problems were ignored and/or steps were bypassed.


The details of your daily activities should be recorded in your project planner. Describe what you did, what worked and what did not, the problems or challenges you encountered, and how you solved them. Reflections should be accompanied with a photo for each day. Enrichment tasks and the self-assessment rubric are completed.


Project planner shows the complete journey. Team members thoughtfully reflect on a daily basis. All sections are completed including enrichment tasks and self-reflections.


Project planner is thoughtfully completed, but missing one of the following : individual enrichment tasks, daily reflections, self-assessment rubric.


Project planner lacks thoughtful entries or missing two or more of the following : enrichment tasks, daily reflections, self-assessment rubric.


Project planner is missing major parts of the journey record. Difficult to follow what took place in the project journey.


Your presentation should clearly communicate your topic. It should be educational and informative for your audience. It should show expertise in using the software, hardware or materials chosen to make the presentation. You should take pride in your presentation and make sure that it is quality work.


Presentation communicates topic in clear and compelling manner. Presentation exhibits expertise in content and method of production. Minimal spelling/grammar mistakes.


Presentation communicates topic in clear and compelling manner. The content and/or the method of production needs more work. Presentation includes major spelling or grammar mistakes.


Presentation shows work and effort but is vague or missing key elements necessary to communicate topic.


Presentation shows little effort and/or poorly communicates topic.


Teamwork and collaboration are key 21st century skills. Each member of the team should contribute their very best efforts towards the successful completion of the project. Team members should develop good communication and conflict resolution skills.


Team members worked well together. Everyone did their best to make valuable contributions and resolve conflicts in a mature manner. Team members shared an equal amount of work during class time.


Team members worked fairly well together. Some members were slacking off. Conflicts were resolved in a mature manner.


Team members worked fairly well together part of the time. Some members were slacking off. More collaboration was needed.


Team members did not work well together. Conflicts and off-task behavior greatly reduced productivity and learning.


Project and time management skills should be one of your top priorities. It is important to have an understanding of the time needed to complete your engagement. Productive groups will spend their time in class actively engaged and working towards their SMART goal.


Team members spent the majority of the time working productively towards their goal. Socializing was kept to a minimum. Your group did not have off-task behavior with the Internet or cell phones.


Team members spent the majority of the time working productively towards their goal. Some off-task behavior occurred. Work may not have been completed on time.


Team members struggled to remain productive during their independent time. Some work was turned in late.


Students were not able to work productively together. Work was not completed.