Classroom Policies

Golden Rule

Treat others the way you would like to be treated. We learn best when we feel safe and supported so let's all help each other this year by being kind and respectful towards each other.

Phones and Portable Devices

  • All phones will be placed in the phone holder when entering the room.

  • If a phone or electronic device is used without permission during class, the device will be taken until the end of the day.

  • Repeated use of a phone or electronic device will result in a contact home and a write up with the office.

  • If there is an emergency and you need to call home, you may ask to use the classroom phone.

Late Work

  • Late homework will not be accepted (unless specified by an IEP or 504 plan).

  • Late essays/longer written work will be accepted with a 10% deduction every day it is late.

  • If you are sick, you are responsible for asking for the work you missed BEFORE you return to school. You may call the front office or e-mail me directly. Of course, we can discuss an extension if your illness prevents you from doing work, but you or your parents must contact me.


For a guide to identifying plagiarism, click here.

  • Plagiarized homework will be entered as a 0

  • Plagiarized Essay:

    • First offense: A plagiarized essay will result in a phone call home. At the parent's request, the essay may be rewritten after school in front of me with the highest possible score of 50%

    • Second offense: The essay will be entered as a 0 and the administration will be contacted.

cell phone classroom storage - Google Search


  • Extensions are possible in certain situations but must be requested at least 24 hours in advance (i.e. not on the day the assignment is due).

  • Extensions will only be given if class time has been used productively.

Food and Drink

  • Bottled beverages are allowed during lesson.

  • No food is allowed in class unless specified.

Missing School

  • It is your responsibility to see me before your planned absence to get any work you will miss.

  • All work is due the day you return to school (even if you do not have class with me that day).

  • Extensions can be discussed before you leave (see above).

Bathroom Breaks

  • If it is an emergency, please use the sign out sheet and take the pass.

  • Frequent (multiple times a week) bathroom breaks will not be allowed unless specified by IEP, 504 or doctor's note; choose your bathroom breaks wisely.

Water Breaks

  • You are free to bring bottles of water into class with you or to have a drink before class starts

  • No water breaks will be allowed during lesson unless specified by IEP, 504 or doctor's note.

If you have any questions about these policies, please let me know by e-mail at

Click here to agree to the classroom policies.