Unit 9: The Cold War

Stage 1- Desired Results

Essential Questions

Enduring Understandings

Students understand that...

In the period following World War II, the United States entered into an extended era of international conflict called the Cold War which influenced foreign and domestic policy for more than 40 years.

Was containment an effective policy to thwart communist expansion?

Should the United States have feared internal communist subversion in the 1950s

Can domestic protest affect the outcome of war? Did the war in Vietnam bring a domestic revolution to the United States?

How did we win the Cold War?

Common Core Standards and Performance Indicators:

Unifying Themes:


Social Studies Content A

rea Standards:

Social Studies Practices (begin on page 3)

Common Core Learning Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science,and Technical Subjects (begins on page 76)


Students know that...


Students will be able to...

11.9a After World War II, ideological differences led to political tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union. In an attempt to halt the spread of Soviet influence, the United States pursued a policy of containment

11.9b The United States and the Soviet Union engaged in a nuclear arms race that eventually led to agreements that limited the arms buildup and improved United States-Soviet relations.

11.9c American strategic interests in the Middle East grew with the Cold War, the creation of the State of Israel, and the increased United States dependence on Middle Eastern oil. The continuing nature of the Arab-Israeli dispute has helped to define the contours of American policy in the Middle East.

11.9d A combination of factors contributed to the end of the Cold War, including American policies and Soviet economic and political problems that led to the loss of Soviet control over Eastern Europe.

Key Terms

Truman Doctrine

Marshall Plan

Iron Curtain



Arms Race

Interstate Highway Act

Korean War

Vietnam War

Berlin Airlift


Hiss and Rosenberg


Stage 2- Assessment Evidence

Summative Tasks

Formative Tasks

I Think "McCarthy and Me" pages 34-40. Has short testimonies of HUAC and McCarthy witnesses and asks students to complete chart analyzing event

I Think "Korean War" pages 24-30. Gives brief summary of start of war. Then students analyze war from Truman's and MacArthur's point of view based on their mock summaries.

The Cold War in the Classroom- Gilder Lehrman. Duck and Cover video shown to kids in the 50's. Students analyze the intended effect and audience, along with an evaluation of the video's effectiveness.

JFK on the containment of Communism- Gilder Lehrman. JFK hand written note. Short doc with questions including contextualization and claim and evidence.

Tear Down this Wall excerpt- Gilder Lehrman. Asks students to comapre Kennedy's speech with Reagan and life in communist and non-communist Germany.

DBQ from January 2003 regents: Discuss how the Cold War affected United States domestic policy and American societyKahoot on Cold WarMultiple Choice New Visions: 30 questions on the Cold War Powerpoint Good for introducing Cold War or for Review at end of unit

 Stage 3- Related Lessons

Lesson Plans  and Content

Videos, Documents, and Resources

Interstate Highway Act Document with transcript, can download, enlarge, etc.

SHEG "Cold War"- Who was primarily responsible for the Cold War – the United States or the Soviet Union?SHEG :Cuban Missile Crisis" Why did the Russians pull their missiles out of Cuba? Conversation excerpts from Khrushchev, JFK, and Robert Kennedy all with questions to examine negotiationsSHEG "Gulf of Tonkin" Was the US planning to go to war with Vietnam before 1964?Choices "US options after WWII" 3-4 day activity where four groups have to argue for one of the provided US foreign policy strategies after WWII. You can jump to page 54-55 to get worksheets that are good for one day/mini lessons Vietnam Protest Songs- New Vision Lesson Uses protest song lyrics to answer the question How did disagreement with the war lead to disillusionment with the government?Department Created Inquiry: Did the United States win the Cold War? Detente- Different documents on Nixon and Detente with a few questions for each. Asks students to identify which political figure said an unnamed quote.

Suggestions for Diverse Learners:

Cold War for Kids- good jumping off point for whole cold war

"I Think" pgs. 38-40: "McCarthy and Me" activity that has accounts by specific historical figures who were accused by McCarthy. Students list reasons to support pre-written claims. 

"I Think" pg. 67: short descriptions of cases including Gideon, Engel, Miranda, and Reynolds.  Contains multiple choice follow up.