Domestic Politics and Reform

Unit Description:  American politics went through upheaval in the 1960's and 1970's.  African Americans, women and minorities struggled for justice and equality with protests and demonstrations.  By the 1980's they had won increased recognition for their rights.  

 Stage 1- Desired Results

Essential Questions

Enduring Understandings

Students understand that...

The civil rights movement and the Great Society were attempts by people and the government to address major social, legal, economic, and environmental problems. Subsequent economic recession called for a new economic program.   

Common Core Standards and Performance Indicators:

(Standards: 1, 4, 5; Themes: TCC, SOC, CIV, ECO)


Students know that...

8.9a The civil rights movement began in the postwar era in response to long-standing inequalities in American society, and eventually brought about equality under the law, but slower progress on economic improvements.

8.9b The civil rights movement prompted renewed efforts for equality by women and other groups.

8.9c The Great Society programs of President Lyndon Johnson strengthened efforts aimed at reducing poverty and providing health care for the elderly, but the Vietnam War drained resources and divided society.

8.9d Economic recession during the 1970s and concerns about the growth and size of the federal government encouraged fiscal conservatives to push for changes in regulation and policy. 

8.9e Constitutional issues involving the violation of civil liberties and the role of the federal government are a source of debate in American society.


Students will be able to...

 Stage 2- Assessment Evidence

Performance Task

 Other Evidence

  Stage 3- Related Lessons

Lesson Plans and Content


Videos, Documents, and Resources

Martin Luther King, Jr. Speech 

1960's Civil Rights Movement