Unit 1: The Development of Civilizations

 Unit Description:  Civilization arises after the development of agriculture leading to more complex and expansive human societies.

 Stage 1- Desired Results

Essential Questions

Enduring Understandings

Students understand that...

 The development of agriculture enabled the rise of the first civilizations, located primarily along river valleys; these complex societies were influenced by geographic conditions, and shared a number of defining political, social, and economic characteristics

Common Core Standards and Performance Indicators:

Unifying Themes:

Social Studies Practices (begins on page 3)

Common Core Learning Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science,and Technical Subjects (begins on page 76)

(Standards: 2, 3, 4; Themes: TCC, GEO, ECO, TECH)


Students know that...

9.1a The Paleolithic Era was characterized by non-sedentary hunting and gathering lifestyles, whereas the Neolithic Era was characterized by a turn to agriculture, herding, and semi sedentary lifestyles.

9.1b Complex societies and civilizations adapted to and modified their environment to meet the needs of their population

9.1c Complex societies and civilizations shared common characteristics of religion, job specialization, cities, government, language/writing systems, technology, and social hierarchy, and they made unique contributions.


Students will be able to...

Key Vocabulary

 Stage 2- Assessment Evidence

Summative Tasks

 Formative Tasks

Comparison Life in Mesopotamia to Today

Create a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting the achievements of Mesopotamia and Egypt

  Stage 3- Related Lessons

Lesson Plans and Content

Videos, Documents, and Resources

Suggestions for Diverse Learners

Interactive Maps with audio narration and visual enhancement (Eduplace)

Explore the Indus Valley with interactive illustrations

Interactive Ancient myths and creation stories

Narrated adventure about pyramids and mummies (Learn English Kids)

Flash exploration of ancient Egypt

Tour of a ziggurat

Uncovered in the Indus Valley: uses artifacts to trace the skills and achievements of the Indus civilization (page 43)