Mentor Program

The North Reading Public Schools District offers a highly supportive mentor program for teachers both new to the profession and new to the district.  The Mentor Coordinators work with the Mentor teachers and Mentees to develop the program and support our new staff.  In years two and three our new teachers continue to be supported through professional development, reflection exercises, and collaboration as they develop their portfolios which are presented to their building administrators at the end of each year.

Mentor Coordinators

                                     Jessie O'Brien         

                                    Kathryn Jones        

                                    Desma Kuras           

Please see the attached handbook for Mentors and New Teachers.

Mentor Training flyer

Frequently Asked Questions

I have completed a Mentor Program in another district.  Do I still need to complete North Reading's Program?

Yes.  All new educators in North Reading will complete our year 1, 2, and 3 program.  This includes 15 PDPs for relicensure. In Years II & III educators will participate in professional development offering and collaborative support to fulfill the requirments of the New Teacher & Induction Program

I am interested in becoming a mentor but I have not yet achieved professional status.  Should I still attend a training?

Yes, you should consider becoming trained because our mentor trainings do not happen every year.  Please see the Mentor Coordinators or your principal with additional questions.