Mary Hope Clark

Major: ACMS

Hometown: Allendale, NJ

Dorm: McGlinn

Hobbies: Acting, Singing, being aggressively New Jersey

Favorite movie: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Favorite book: Harry Potter

Favorite musician: Chicago

Favorite sport: Hurling (tradition Gaelic Sport)

Never have I ever... Successfully played football

Favorite dining hall meal: Lenten Rice Bowl

Favorite spot on campus: Chapel in Stinson-Remick

Favorite part of gameday: Irish Faltos cheer

Favorite quotation: My life is like a negative exponential function on the right hand side of a function: really complicated, but tending to zero. - girl next to me in Applied Math Methods

If you could time travel, where/when would you go? 19th century imperial Russian Ball