Michael Prough

Call me: ProMajor: Biochemistry

Hometown: Goshen, IN

Dorm: Dillon

Purity score: Let's just say it went down some.

Clubs/hobbies: Glee club, orchestra, eating food

Favorite movie: The Bourne Trilogy

Favorite book: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Favorite musician: The Fray

Guilty pleasure: Spinach dip from the Huddle

Best dining hall: SOUTH!!!

Favorite dining hall meal: Handmade pizza through the conveyor belt with handmade garlic cheesy bread using the fresh bread, butter, garlic salt, cheese, and italian seasoning put through the conveyor belt twice

Favorite spot on campus: Under a tree on South Quad

Favorite part of game day: Falto brunch

Favorite quotation: "How many haters does it take to change a light bulb? None. They fear change, even if it can make the world a brighter place." - Unknown

Random fact: The only time I have ever broken a bone was while tap dancing.