MacKenzie Cavanagh

Major: Computer Engineering

Hometown: New Hope, PA

Dorm: Farley

Hobbies: Tennis, Reading, Baking, Hiking

Favorite movie: Balto or any Disney movie

Favorite book: Tamar

Favorite musician: Ed Sheeran

Favorite sport: Tennis (to play), College Basketball (to watch)

Never have I ever: Been scuba diving

Favorite dining hall meal: Chicken Curry @ NDH

Favorite spot on campus: Sitting in front of Touchdown Jesus on Library Quad

Favorite part of gameday: Beating the saxes at sing-offs

Favorite quotation: "If it's a good idea, go ahead and do it. It's much easier to apologize than to get permission" - Grace Hopper

Which Falto was caught secreting trying to video tape Dr. Dye in Lafun at Burger King? ME!