Clay Becker

Major: BiologyDorm: Keenan

Hobbies: Tennis, Climbing, Swimming, Vidya

Favorite movie: The Dark Knight

Favorite book: The Hobbit

Favorite musician: The Eagles

Favorite dining hall: I feel that I am in the minority in that I like both dining halls, both for different reasons. North is spacious and organized, and South has a great variety of food and is also Hogwarts. I will gladly dine at either.

Best dining hall meal: The one with the shortest line.

Favorite spot on campus: Around the lakes.

Best part of game day: Watching little kids treat members of the band like superheroes.

Favorite quotation: "Not all those who wander are lost." - J.R.R. Tolkien

Never have I ever: ...Seen a Back to the Future movie.

Fun fact: I really, really dislike tomatoes. They're like little raw eyeballs, and it's disgusting.