Harmony Zweber-Langer

Major: ACMS & Accounting

Hometown: Lakeville, MN

Dorm: Ryan

Hobbies: Running, nordic skiing, fishing, & anything outdoors

Favorite movie: The Giver

Favorite book: Tamar

Favorite musician: Too many to answer! :)

Favorite sport: Skiing

Never have I ever: Eaten Nutella

Favorite dining hall meal: Chicken, quinoa, and a glass of mixed chocolate and regular milk

Favorite spot on campus: The window seat on the 5th floor of the DSC, facing the Dome

Favorite part of gameday: Trotting out of the tunnel

Favorite quotation: "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing" - Socrates

What's a fun fact about you? I once had a goat named Basil and he was convinced he was really a dog!